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Consistency Is the Key to Success

February 15, 2021

Let’s face it, 2020 was rough and 2021 is getting off to a rocky start for sure. How can an agent be successful during these times when everything has been turned upside down? That is where CONSISTENCY comes into the picture. We have all heard that word being tossed around at pricy seminars and on motivational posters hanging in the office. It is a simple concept but what are some steps you can take while working remotely to make sure you are actually following through?

Below are several tips and pointers that have worked for me during the past 12 months and how I have managed to realign, refocus and reimagine how working from home can be:

1. Create a Schedule

Sounds simple enough, right? It can be tough to resist hitting that snooze button when you are in the middle of a dream. RESIST! Wake up at the same time every day. Even though you are not going into a physical office building, you still are “going in to work.” Follow the same routine you normally would as if you were going into your local office where you hang your license at. Starting your day off with that “Eye of the Tiger” work mentality helps lay the foundation for a productive day.

2. Flip the Script

Times are unprecedented and we are in unchartered territory that hasn’t been seen by most agents. When you make your calls, you are going to expect to hear a lot of “Oh, we’re on the sidelines” and “I’m waiting for things to even out.” Trust me, if I had a nickel for every time since March 2019 that I’ve heard those lines, I’d be retired on a beach with my dog sipping margaritas. This business is built on hearing ‘NO’ but it is that one ‘YES’ that fuels our drive to keep dialing. Last year, I would go into my cold calling sessions with my mind already made up that no one was going to want to buy or sell. I would give up on my conversations too quickly. What has worked on the phones in the past when talking to potential clients may not work now. I have changed my approach 180 degrees. I acknowledge the times we are in right now and ask them how it has affected their real estate goals. I have noticed it catches them off-guard because it’s not the typical ‘trying to get a sale’ approach. It’s a small approach that really makes them think about how their game plan has been affected and how they are going to tackle the new market. What I am trying to say is… CHANGE YOUR APPROACH! Real estate success is all about adapting and going with the flow.

3. Set Small Goals

Nothing beats that warm and fuzzy feeling when you accomplish a goal or finish a task. Life is all about ‘little victories.’ When working from home, you may not feel that tingle or nudge to keep up or surpass the results of your teammates. This is the deadly sin of complacency – it is easy to not push yourself during your calls. Do not fall for that trap. Set incremental goals each day or for the week. “Today I’m going to get ____ contacts” or “I’m going to follow up with _____ and see how they’re dealing with the times right now” Small ‘wins’ help refill and recharge your ambitions. Now, some days will be harder to reach your goals than others. Sadly, we are at the mercy of the person on the other end of the line choosing to answer their phone. As long as you’re dialing- you’re winning!

4. Keep In Touch

We all know how important follow up and communication is with your clients. Something that is easy to forget or toss to the side is communicating with your team and/or fellow agents. Working remotely robs a person of that all-important face to face communication that humans thrive on. If you are a part of a team, take time to reach out them and touch base. Working from home can cultivate a feeling of isolation which takes a toll mentally/emotionally and can stifle productivity. Call other agents you have on your list. Use the call to pick their brain about the market and where they see it going. Remember- you are not alone and you always have a family of fellow real estate professionals that know what you’re going through.

Well, there you have it. Just a few small tip and words of encouragement that have helped me stay focused, aligned and most of all CONSISTENT during this wild ride right now.

Keep smiling and keep dialing!

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