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Case Study: The Power of the Internet and Searchability

Julian Bloch
June 14, 2023

The following case study describes our process selling our recently closed property at 11832 S. Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90061.

Deal Story

Lead prospecting in commercial real estate has often been referred to as dated in the past. With that in mind, our team made a conscientious effort to improve our marketing and team branding by using social media/the web within the last year. We have seen tremendous results and this is a great example.

An apartment owner recently reached out to us to sell their asset after having found us through Google. After reading through 40, 5-star reviews, they decided to peruse through our website to determine if were the correct team for the job. It shows extensive list of sold properties throughout Los Angeles County. In addition, they reviewed case studies like this and found them very helpful. Some of the stories exemplified our strategy of being advisors to our clients first and foremost, and secondly as listing agents.

After doing their research the owners contacted us and let us know they wanted to sell and simplify their lives in retirement. At first, they had considered their property manager as a listing agent but prior to the listing they uncovered that the PM had incurred 4-pages of city violations unbeknownst to them, so they decided to go with a more helpful & neutral third party.

Knowing they had to clear the violations to get the highest price we immediately helped the owner interview three (3) different contractors and then chose the most qualified vendor to complete the work. We spent many hours at the property to help vendors get access to the units and translate when necessary – doing whatever it took to close the case.

During the first week of marketing, we procured five (5) qualified offers and the seller decided to move forward with the highest offer that was contingent on the City Violations being cleared prior to the close of escrow. Because we had the sellers and the general contractor on the same page, we felt confident closing the City of Los Angeles violations case prior to the close of escrow. In the end, the buyer closed escrow on time and the sellers were happy with the job being completed.

The moral of the story is twofold here, A) we are a full-service team that can handle listings from A to Z and B) we think outside of the box with our marketing which better serves our sellers & buyers. Please reach out to discuss your real estate moves for the second half of 2023 and let’s see how we can be a resource for you.

Find out how we can help you sell you commercial real estate property. Call KingSide today.

More details about this property:
South LA
11832 S. Main Street

4 + 1 Non-Conforming Apartment in South Los Angeles.

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